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FAQs & Policies

- What is microblading/ombré/combination brows?

Microblading and ombré brows or a combination of the two are a form of cosmetic tattoo that is semi-permanent and lasts for about 1-3 years. The pigment is implanted into the skin, beneath the surface of the skin, by means of a disposable needle which gives the appearance of hair strokes.

- Does it hurt?

A topical anesthetic cream and gel are used for numbing before and during your procedure. Pain levels vary from person to person and every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable during the procedure.
Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.
Also, if you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

- How long does do the brows last?

These procedure outcomes are considered semi-permanent and will fade over time. They may need to be refreshed every year in order to keep lines crisp, otherwise they will fade after 1-3 years. Frequency of sessions depends on a number of factors including the color pigment used (lighter colors fade faster), lifestyle (sun exposure), and if any form of exfoliations come into contact with the treated area. *Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. You may book a touch up session 4-6 weeks after the initial appointment to fill in any areas that have faded after the healing process.*

- What factors will affect my tattoo?

  • Sun Exposure: The sun will soften the look of your tattoo. Once healed, sunblock should be applied daily to prevent brows from fading as quickly.
  • The regeneration of skin cells: The longer the regeneration takes, the longer the pigment holds.
  • The speed at which the skin absorbs the pigment: The slower the absorption, the longer the pigment will hold. This depends on the thickness level of the skin.
  • The choice of color: The choice of lighter pigments will fade much quicker than dark pigments.
  • Bleeding during the procedure: Bleeding will reduce the pigment absorption as blood will push out the colors. Consuming alcohol and certain medications act as blood-thinners and should not be taken at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

- What should I do before my eyebrow procedure?

These procedure outcomes are considered semi-permanent and will fade over time. They may need to be refreshed every year in order to keep lines crisp, otherwise they will fade after 1-3 years. Frequency of sessions depends on a number of factors including the color pigment used (lighter colors fade faster), lifestyle (sun exposure), and if any form of exfoliations come into contact with the treated area. *Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. You may book a touch up session 4-6 weeks after the initial appointment to fill in any areas that have faded after the healing process.*
  • If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, bring or send few reference photos.
  • You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so I can take into consideration the shape you desire.
  • It is best to not wax or tweeze your brows. Please let me see how your natural hairs grow so I can determine the best shape for you.
  • If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 14 days after the procedure.
  • I require my clients to avoid any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 72 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, and Ibuprofen.
  • Do not consume ANY alcohol for at least 24 hours prior your appointment.
  • If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one year before considering this procedure.
  • It is highly recommended that you avoid sun and tanning 2 weeks before and after your procedure. If you show up to your appointment with a new tan or sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.
Your brows will appear much darker for the first 3-5 days. This will gradually lighten during the healing process as the scabs heal. Redness and swelling may also occur.

- What will my brows look like after my procedure?

Your brows will appear much darker for the first 3-5 days. This will gradually lighten during the healing process as the scabs heal. Redness and swelling may also occur.

- What will be the end result?

Before the procedure, we will analyze your natural hair colors and match a pigment accordingly to ensure it blends well with your existing eyebrow and hair color. The end result pigment stays true to color and will only lighten over time. Your eyebrow tattoo will eventually look softer and have more of a “powdered” look. To keep the lines “crisp”, for brows that are only microbladed a touch up appointment is suggested every 6-8 months. Results vary with each client. If you are planning a chemical peel, laser treatment or other medical procedures, please inform the technician that you have had a cosmetic tattoo.

- Am I a good candidate for this?

  • If you have extremely oily skin, microblading may not work as well for you. Combination or Ombré brows will be recommended. The constant production of oil will cause the hair strokes to heal with a diffused, softer look. Your end result will appear more powdered than you would expect instead of crisp lines.
  • If you are a frequent smoker, your pigment may fade sooner.
  • If you are iron deficient or anemic, your pigment may fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after the procedure.
  • If you have had your eyebrows previously tattooed and are interested in a cover-up/re-work, you must bring this to my attention and send me photos of your current brows. No guaranteed results for such cases, and must be approved. In some
    cases where the previous work is too dark, dense, discolored, or too large, tattoo removal will be highly recommended before we begin the cover-up/re-work. Previously tattooed areas and cover-ups will require additional touch-ups for the best results.

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